I bought CDs from BMG in the 90's - even joining because of one of their
"too good to be true" offers.  But, in time, I found their advertising
to be quite deceptive.  I would get the usual monthly blurb - "Unlimited
$3.98 CDs!!"  At that time, they actually had a pretty good selection.
But what I found was that - yes - the CD was $3.98 - but when you added
shipping and then "tax" - the total cost got to be equal or more than
what I would pay if I went down to Tower.

It did, however.  get me started in researching the so-called "tax" that
BMG and some other internet outfits charge charge - finding that unless
the item is shipped from within the state you reside in, there is NO tax
due.  CD NOW used to play that trick also - and - until I got tired of
playing their game - I would call their customer support every time a
shipment came to me after being mailed from out of state and have them
credit my card with the "tax" they had charged.

Now, I refuse to do business with internet outfits that charge that
bogus "tax"

Dave Harman
El Paso, TX

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