I know someone posted about this earlier.  Organic Gardening magazine had a short 
article in Feb/March about improving breastmilk by mothers drinking organic cow's milk 
to improve the fatty acid profile, I believe.  

I wrote a response letter to the editor thanking them for considering breastfeeding an 
important issue to cover in their publication.  I also stressed that accompanying the 
article with a baby feeding itself a bottle was not the best message to send.  In the recent 
issue I received yesterday, they printed my response but took out all negative comments 
and kept it to sound as only a praise of their coverage.  

Below is my original comment to them.  Please consider commenting on their website 
organicgardening.com or sending a letter to the editor at [log in to unmask]

I would like to thank you for including the piece about breastfeeding  
in your OG WATCHDOG section on the Feb/March 2009 issue.  This is good  
information for mothers who want to know how to do the best for their  
children.  I do wonder why you picture a baby with a bottle?  Many  
mothers do need to pump their breastmilk and give it to their babies  
in bottles when they go to work, but there are immunological  
properties that are lost when a baby is not exposed to the breast  
directly.  In addition, many of the "green" benefits of breastfeeding  
are lessened when other forms of packaging such as bottles and pumps  
are introduced.  The even larger issue is that by failing to show a  
baby breastfeeding naturally at the breast, you are continuing to give  
the message that it isn't really appropriate for  women to breastfeed  
their children openly.  Breastfeeding isn't just a nice thing to do  
that is a little better than artificial baby milk.  Breastfeeding is a  
serious public health issue that needs to be promoted and exposed for  
the biologically normal behavior that it is. 
Amy Slotten 
Ann Arbor, Michigan


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