Dear all:

Amid our serious discussions of infant feeding in emergencies, the challenges for working 
women when they are forced into bondage with their pumps (I'm being tongue in cheek 
here), the ins and outs of growth charts (which are always given far more importance as 
being good or bad than they deserve), and why I could never ask Jennifer Tow for what 
my left-brain wants -- a flow chart of herbs so I wouldn't muck it all up --- for all the 
reasons she articulated in her last post.

..... I thought I'd add a little trivial fluff.  

My son was reading the menu from a Mexican restaurant and he knows enough Spanish 
from the mix of many languages spoken at his school that he spotted queso, but really 
wanted not an enchilada with queso but a quesadilla.  Then he couldn't quite figure out 
the pronunciation of Chihuahua from the spelling --- whereupon I showed him the even 
harder Oaxaca (which is an exception my assumption that Spanish is always much easier 
to read and pronounce than any other language I've ever attempted to learn or did learn).  
So, he thought Chihuahua cheese meant that they milked chihuahua dogs to get the milk 
to make cheese.  We've  been speculating on how many chihuahuas would it take to 
make a glass of milk, a slice of cheese etc.  It may become his version of a light bulb 
joke.  Anyway, he thinks you could milk three chihuahuas and get enough to drink in a 
juice glass.  So, my nonsensical trivia question for the day is whether chihuahua milk is 
closer to human milk than cow's milk?  

Best, Susan
PS.  Don't know the answer to the trivia question myself.


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