Dear all:

Ferber recanted publically in an Upper Wide Side local paper on bed sharing and cosleeping.  
Then he slightly recycled his old approach as revised.  I can't help myself.  I just always say 
flat out "he recanted" and also that I never knew a single long-term "success" story using 
his approach.  As important as supply is trying to find out how the babies are being fed.  I 
am dead certain that there are a subset of breastmilk fed infants who have been trained 
into ignoring their own hunger and satiety cues because a couple of books recommend 
feeding 3- 6 month old infants only 4x/day.  

I always put the time spent doing anything for an infant, whether it is pumping, feeding the 
baby, or holding the baby into homework equivalency units.  Some mothers try to get away 
with less time with their babies than I spend assisting my son to create a proper 
environment for doing his homework   By "creating the environment" it means that he's 
supposed to do his homework, not me, but I can actively assist him to create the 
environment for it to happen.  A few years ago he did need much more active assistance 
with the work itself.

Best, Susan


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