Regarding ClassiCat, Richard Todd says...

>It was state-of-the-art when it came out, but is a tad clunky by today's
>standards.  Also it crashes at least a couple of times per session.
>What are other people doing? Any words of wisdom?

I have been using ClassiCat since (I think) about 1997 and have transferred
it from one computer to a replacement several times. I have never had
it crash (and I use it several times a week) and have found it incredibly
useful for storage of a wide variety of anecdotes and abstruse pieces
of indo on composers, works, performers etc.  It has become a vital
database for me in addition to helping me find where on earth that
recording of Boiko's Second Symphony is in my collection.

More importantly - when I have lost my license number, been an idiot
while trying to transfer the program from one computer to another, or
just done something plain stupid, I have always received an empathic and
swift response from Tim that has resolved my problem - and that is worth
a huge amount in my view, compared with the relative inadequacy or high
effective cost of technical support for other software I use daily.

ClassiCat may be simple (an advantage in my world) and not have the
bells and whistles of some later programs.  But I find it extraordinarily
useful, despite occasional minor nagging issues, and well supported by
its creator.  I'm sure Tim has not bought a new model Ferrari on the
basis of his global sales - but this is software hat deserves the widest
audience and support it can get.

Tim Mahon
(still in semi-lurking mode...)

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