I found this amazing article on bee pollen which contain so many
benefits I simply cannot imagine not wanting to eat it three times a

Karl von Frisch won the Nobel Prize in 1973 with his study of the
honeybee dance. The honeybee by instinct and nature goes to and
collects only the most nutritive and healthy pollens. The bee can only
work with what it has, and many of the world's pollens are now
inferior in quality because of pervasive pollution and depletion of
the soils. The Bee Pollen used by EarthKeepers is the most potent
pollen in the world, from the oldest mountains on earth. The Russian
biologist and experimental botanist, Nicolai Tsitsin, discovered that
Bee Pollen has the ability to promote youthful feelings, build
resistance to ailments, help boost healing powers and provide dynamic
energy. He said, "There are more than 200 people living in the Soviet
Union who claim to be over 100 years old. We sent letters to them to
answer three questions, 150 out of the 200 replied. All of them,
without exception, said that their principal food always had been

Tsitisin explained that it wasn't the honey they were eating, but
almost pure pollen, which had fallen off the bee's legs while they
deposit their honey. It has been demonstrated those who use pure Bee
Pollen experience increased sexual vitality. The natural hormones
contained within this rare pollen cause increased hormonal production.
Dr. Remy Chauvin, of the Institute for Bee Culture in Bures-sur-Yvett,
France, reported to the French Academy of Medicine in 1956, the use of
Bee Pollen gave animals increased vitality and improved powers of
reproduction. Dr. Chauvin gave Bee Pollen to a test group composed of
young people, mature adults and the elderly, and reported the

* Clinical tests showed improved bowel function, relief from
constipation and flatulence.
* Anemic children showed a rapid increase in red blood cells.
* A natural antibiotic function is associated with Bee Pollen.
* Bee Pollen has the ability to destroy unwanted microbes in the body.
* A natural antibiotic cleansing occurred in the internalorgans.

Bee Pollen contains folic acid along with an impressive vitamin array,
which cannot be artificially duplicated. Not only does Bee Pollen
contain a complete complement of nutrients, its glucoside content
helps to transport nutrients into the bloodstream. Bee Pollen cannot
be reproduced in the laboratory. Its chemical makeup is so complex
that synthesizing it artificially has eluded even the best modern-day
technology. Bee Pollen is so impressive that it contains many
nutrients not found in animal products. Linoleic acid is the only
fatty acid essential for human nutrition that cannot be manufactured
by the human body. Bee Pollen contains linoleic acid in relative
abundance. A chemical analysis of Bee Pollen reveals it contains every
nutrient required to sustain life. Bee Pollen is so impressive in its
nutrient array that some experts believe it could be the answer to
World Hunger. Bee Pollen contains an unbelievable concentration of
vital elements and seems to be the most complete food found in nature.
French Agricultarist Professor Alin Callas has stated that "A person
could literally live on 35grams of Bee Pollen er day, satisfying all
the human body's nutritional requirements." Due to the high quality of
nutrition contained within Bee Pollen, we are assured it slows down
the effects of the aging process.


* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm   *