I think this is the kind of leadership our industry badly needs. Thank you Jerry Bromenshenk!

From Kim Flottums newsletter

Bayer and Beekeepers Meet to Discuss Pesticides and Honey Bees
by Randy Oliver

Scientists from Bayer CropScience met with representatives of the national and California 
beekeeping associations, commercial beekeepers, bee scientists, the Almond Board, and a state 
agricultural official at South Lake Tahoe during the California State Beekeepers meeting on 
November 11, 2008.  This meeting was the first in a series of workshops intended to provide 
open and honest discussion of pesticides and to overcome preconceived perceptions by both 

Key goals for improved interactions included: 1) improving trust through greater transparency 
from manufacturers regarding products and testing protocols, 2) establishing better 
communications between all parties, 3) providing improved education to applicators for bee-
friendly practices, and 4) addressing regulatory and enforcement systems to ensure adherence to 
label directions and to establish a nationwide system of reporting, tracking, and correcting 

A priority action item was appointment of a Honey Bee Advisory Board (HBAB) by the two national 
beekeeping associations. The HBAB will work with Bayer on setting priorities, as well as the design 
of tests that better address beekeeper concerns.  Other immediate action items included 
development of models for a national database for pesticide incident reporting, and ideas for web 
site posting of bee information, including regular notices to appear in beekeeping trade journals. 

Bayer also agreed to pull together publications and conduct a briefing concerning clothianidin, 
imidacloprid, and Movento at the next meeting, which will be in conjunction with the upcoming 
American Honey Producers Association meeting in Fresno, in January.   

This first meeting was a result of an invitation from researcher Dr. Jerry Bromenshenk (The 
University of Montana) to Dr. David Fischer (Chief Scientist, Ecotoxicology, Bayer CropScience) to 
participate in a stakeholders meeting in conjunction with the California State Beekeepers 

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