Janos Gereben <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Re.: posts concerning obscure Erkel operas*, let me assure you that
>musically discerning non-chauvinists are not all that crazy even about
>his big numbers: "Bank ban" and "Hunyadi Laszlo." Certainly, from
>personal experience, when you're force-fed one or the other (or both)
>week after week... you are really grateful for "Halka" or anything
>Polish or Czech.

I suppose if you'd been force-fed Erkel, that might well be the case.
I have to say, though, that as a complete innocent (though I hope a
musically discerning one!) both those operas thrilled me greatly when
I heard them live in Budapest a few years ago.

"Bank Ban" in particular (albeit in the streamlined version concocted
by Erkel's son after his death) is a great discovery for anyone who
already loves the Czech repertoire and is looking for something
similar-but-different from Smetana and Dvorak.

"Bank Ban" is echt-Slav national tragedy, with sweeping folk scenes,
court intrigue, mad-scenes and blood on the floor; but with a Verdian
cantilena and fistfuls of tunes which linger long in the memory.

And for once, there is a truly marvellous, red-blooded CD version (on
Teldec, taken from the feature film soundtrack) starring Andrea Rost and
Attila Reti. Very highly recommended - I for one *am* crazy about "Bank

Christopher Webber, Blackheath, London, UK
"ZARZUELA!" The Spanish Music Site

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