I agree this sounds like it could be a psychiatric disorder on the line of
obsessive-compulsive and anxiety. I would wonder and see if I could find out
if this carries over to other parts of her life or did this just start after
the birth of the baby, because it could be a new postpartum mood disorder
and the primary providers would need to know.

I have had moms with premies who start out doing alot of documenting of
feeding times, supplemental ebm volumes, and pumping. The documentation is
very helpful in those cases.

If this is a well baby and he is doing well with his weight, then you could
try a session with the mother, where you say something like "I would like
you to be able to relax more about the baby's feeding." You might suggest,
as one example, for mother to keep the baby close for the next 48-72 hrs and
do a weight check at the end of that time. Other than that, ask mom to not
document, or if she feels she can't do that, just document the feeds and
diapers on a "Diaper Diary" type chart where she just circles the hour the
baby fed and makes a check for a void or stool. You could alternatively ask
her to keep a journal instead of a detailed record, journaling her feelings
about how things are going.

I am not a psychologist nor psychiatrist, and I guess neither are you, so I
would be careful to not appear to be managing this potentially serious
disorder myself. However, a journal might give you some insight.
Laurie Wheeler RN MN IBCLC
Mississippi USA


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