On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:11:18 -0400, James Fischer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>It is frustrating. 20 years of varroa, and despite all the funding and
>there is no commercial-grade solution to the issue.  Nothing even close.
>The research community has failed miserably in this area.
>Now this.  Here we are in our 2nd season of knowing that CCD cases are
>out there, but there STILL simply is no funding for CCD work.

based on various reports and news stories, it would appear that this season we could hear of real 
pollination shortages as spring and summer unfolds.  last year we had warnings in the news, my 
sense if we're going to see real loss of crops in some places, currently the Pacific NW. 

like other social issues our government is slow to act until a crisis is felt in some region. 

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