> In short, if you advise anyone to use a pesticide in a manner inconsistent
> with the label, you may be held liable for any harm that ensues.

From drenching bees with syrup with fumidil mixed in? ( Eric Mussen)

Acetic acid fumigation was discussed at the National bee meeting "nosema
seminar" by the USDA-ARS . I have got the CD Peter.

Beekeeping is a very small industry.

Dave hackenberg statement from the National convention:
" There are only around 1200 commercial beekeepers. Not enough people to
even hold an election in a small town"

Getting label changes and things registered is simply not possible many
times plus time is usually of concern.

To stay legal I approach my local vet for authorization to use a product to
control a problem concerning an antibiotic or even parasites.

I raise some exotic livestock ( sort of long time hobby/business) for which
there is not registered label products. He sells me the antibiotics and
parasite meds I need. Which he has the power to do.

By the way,
> your recommendations are now archived at Bee-L.

I hope they are and hope other beeks find the information useful!

 I would think you would more
> cautious about pesticides since you seem to feel they are at the root of
> our
> bee problems.

Pesticides have always caused the commercial beekeeper problems but are not
the sole cause of CCD. Nor is N. ceranae in my opinion. Only parts of a
complicated picture.

Bob Harrison

* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm   *