One correction: Someone mentioned Berg's violin concerto as either atonal
or serial...  forgive my vagueness.  I've been reading on the run.

This piece is neither.  It has beautiful melodies, "noodling" of the
kind that violinists do to warm up or amuse themselves (on purpose:
Berg asked Louis Krassner who commissioned it to please demonstrate
his personal "noodling" and make sure it was original and not bits
from other concerti or sonatas).  The Berg also contains an entire Bach
Chorale ("Es ist genug" from KK.60) and a Viennese waltz-tune.  But they
are hidden from first-time-listeners.  You need to work a little bit to
'get' this, but it's well worth the effort.  The chorale starts with a
whole-tone scale! Bach was one hip guy.

On the other hand, Webern makes me laugh. At, not with.

Mimi Ezust

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