On 15-Mar-08, at 12:49 PM, Grant Gillard wrote:

> How do I handle these calls?  On a case-by-case basis, then like a  
> soft-hearted, weak-willed, hyper-frugal, no-brained moron I tell  
> them I'll do it.
>   This year I'm going to take clusters hanging on branches.  My  
> success with bait hives and swarm traps fulfills my frugality for  
> free bees.  Someone else can take the extractions from buildings.
>   Or maybe I'll start charging a decent wage for my time and gas.

Hi Grant and all

I always respond when someone calls about bees.  I don't charge a fee  
for the first visit to tell them that they are yellow jackets, bald  
faced hornets or bumbles.  I collect swarms hanging in trees or  
clustered on building walls for no charge.  For the bees in the wall  
situations you cite, I estimate the number of hours (including  
travel) and give them a quote based on $50 per hour.  I also tell  
them that I will make temporary repairs after the bees and comb are  
out but they will have to arrange for the permanent repairs.  If they  
were my bees that swarmed into the house I would assume total  

Bob Darrell
Caledon Ontario

* General Information About BEE-L is available at: *
* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm   *