Thanks to Mitch for his report on the rewarding military band scene in
Washington.  Bands sometimes get a bad name in classical music circles
because many of us have never heard a truly first-class band.  The US
military bands enjoy the services of first-class musicians equal to the
best of our symphony orchestras.  They deserve respect.  Repertoire has
always been a problem, and the best composers have seldom contributed.
Still, this may be changing, and a truly excellent and unique band
literature may emerge in our time.  In any case, I would far rather hear
the Marine Corps Band play Sousa that hear the Seattle Symphony play
Beethoven!  At least the Marines would give you the real thing.

I myself have a soft spot in my heart for the far more humble community
bands -- amateurs who play for the love of it in their local parks in
the summer.  This too is music, and it contributes to the joy of multitudes
all across our land.

David Lamb in Seattle

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