Brian Fredericksen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>i've kept bees in central mn since 1995 and winter my colonies over.
>i'd rather enter a bee yard in mid winter and see some dead bees on the 
ground in the snow then
>those dead bees are probably from cleansing flights and has nothing to do 
with the published
>symptoms of CCD.
>a couple of hundred lost bees to cleansing flights per hive is nothing as 
new brood will be hatching
>in the next month or two.

I did say it didn't seem excessive numbers
And I know you doubt I have ccd

What is unusual is flights at 9am-11am and 3pm-5:30pm --
every day that its not "cold"

I hope that there will be no brood
yet or for 2 months or more 
I'm used to hives that appear dead unless
you give them a thump to hear
Some hives do very well with only a few bodies 
outside all winter, maybe most make it home

But this is now


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