Hello Jerry & All,

> 1) We've seen and sampled CCD cases in AZ, ID, WA, CA, and MN, with 
> reports
> of it in TX, CO, ND, and FL.  One change this fall, far greater number of
> colonies completely empty, even the queen left.

If the hives are empty (which is not uncommon in fall in the Midwest as 
those hives have went queenless and the bees have drifted to other hives) 
are those hives classed as CCD?

So far I have got reports of a single large beekeeper with serious hive 
loss. he has not returned my calls yet so hard to confirm.  I have heard of 
a Texas beekeeper with hives like you describe but he raised his own queens 
this year and suspects queen failure.

The country in Europe is seeing dwindling hives but not CCD symptoms like 7 
frames of brood and almost no bees.

.  Phosdin gas -- we'll have to look again at  the
> volatiles,
Thanks Jerry! I will report what you find to the beekeeper in Europe. Thanks 
for all your years of help to beekeepers!


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