On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 15:33:05 -0800, Mike Stoops <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 But in what I've read in the commentaries here I can't recall anyone saying "all" the collapsed 
colonies that were called CCD affected had Nosema Ceranae.
>Mike in LA

Without getting too convoluted in who said what when please refer to: 


Mr Fisher references  the paper “A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes 
in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder” (“Science”, 09/06/07)

and says

" Although the authors dismissed Nosema as a possible correlating factor for CCD, 
their tests found Nosema to be surprisingly common.  Nearly universal.  Every 
apiary affected by CCD was found to have Nosema, and 90% of them had both 
types of Nosema at the same time.  Even among apiaries said to be “free of 
CCD”, 92% of them were found to have Nosema ceranae, and 47% of them had 
Nosema apis. " 
                          Apiaries                       Apiaries 
                          With CCD                 Free Of CCD 
Nosema apis   90%                         47.6% 
Nosema ceranae 100%                  92.1% 

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