seems silly to me to even debate if moving bees spreads problems, 

how else did varrora and SHB get from Asia and Africa all over the world in a very short time?

Peter argues its for the good of the people. That may have been the case at one time but as the 
transfer time of problems speeds up around the globe how many more pests and disease can the 
honeybee tolerate?  

When I hear people Like Pettis, Spivak, and  Munsen say that honeybees are under stress, I take it 
to be stress from frequent movement and increased spread of pest and disease etc.  Anything that 
causes stress is THE problem. 

I feel we have to look at what's happening since 2000 and find new ways to mitigate the problems. 
Saying that migratory beekeeping will never change and show me the data is just dragging your 
feet as Rome burns.  We need leadership and vision not stonewalling and SSDD in the bee 

Peter I sense you feel science will solve all of the problems we face now and in the future? or do 
you have other suggestions to help the plight of the honeybee?  You poo poo any ideas of 
restrictions so what's your solution then? 


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