When we were asked by data collectors in the industry earlier this year 
if we had experienced CCD losses, we carefully looked over the symptoms 
before giving our negative reply.  Even though we had a larger per cent 
of winter deadouts than any other year, it was clear it wasn't CCD.  If 
anyone were to ask me now if we have been affected by CCD, I would have 
to answer, "Positively."  It is not a case for media headlines: "CCD 
HIts Hawaii".  No, it's a case for every one of us beeks to understand 
that all of this information and misinformation as well as cartoon 
movies for kids that have come about because of this CCD issue, we are 
now the enemy of the bees.  It used to be that the kids respected us 
for the work we do for the bees, and taking the time to educate them.  
Now I hear questions like, "You're not one of those people that use 
smoking guns on the bees, are you? or "Do you really keep thousands of 
bees in a tiny box?"  It seems not to matter in the view of the public 
just how you keep your bees or what you do to them or for them, if 
you're a beek, you're the cause of CCD.  I see the CCD losses to have 
gone far beyond the number of hives disappearing mysteriously.

Molokai Meli

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