Greetings from Washington DC at the American Public Health Assoc annual meeting of 20,000 public health workers from all over the world.

So imagine my surprise as a member and MCH section member when I opened the HUGE program to find a large ad and section divider ( so a much larger $$ cost) from Nestle nutritionals. Advertising all the sessions they are sponsoring, the booth they have set up and all their brands. I must stay, no mention of Carnation, the infant formula brand they make, but still quite a shock.

I am very proud to report the MCH section quickly mobilized and printed a statement quoting the APHA on our policies that support the boycott of Nestle and non-supporters of the WHO Code.  The MCH section urged APHA attendees to 1) not visit the booth despite the free hot chocolate and food samples, and 2) tear out the ad, write a note on it , and leave it at the MCH booth.

THis morning I hear the executive director issued and apology for not having "historical knowledge" about Nestle, the conflict with APHA policy and for disappointing the many MCH section members. 

So, a little controversy to report this morning, and I thought you all might find it of interest. 

Mirine Dye, BS, CLE
MPH candidate
Florida Keys, FLA 
via APHA in Sunny COLD DC....


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