I was intrigued to read in Miles Davis's autobiography that he, no doubt
like other musicians, was glad about the shift from 78s to LPs in the
early 1950s, because it began taking music beyond the 3-minute mark.
In the case of jazz, this was good news as it made for more extended
improvisations in recordings.  I expect it must have also significantly
changed the art of composition in jazz, pop, etc.  -- at least insofar
as recordings no longer needed to be so constrained.

I expect it must have also meant a significant change in the length
of contemporaneous CM composition -- certainly of works by those who
hoped to see them recorded.  But does it mean, though, that any classical
movements or pieces of longer than three minutes' duration were previously
broken up over several 78 rpm records?

Also, can anyone on the List tell me when the first release of multi-LP
albums, classical or otherwise, took place?  I expect this would mean
the first time a 2-LP album was released.

Thanks in advance,

Bert Bailey

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