On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 19:24:02 GMT, [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

.  the best "solution" (imho) is for you to help this beekeeper with the shb problem....as it is your 
problem too.
>be thankful is shb, and not afb.

how am i going to help the poor guy? that seems like a silly idea.  you got beetles you learn to live 
with them. i know of no eradication solution. he screwed himself. my message to him is that 
moving hives to TX is part of the problem. either he can be part of the solution or part of the 

its not going be my problem as i'm pulling out. i'd be stupid to wait around for the inevitable. who 
would if they are beetle free? i realize they are mainly a nusiance but i'm a business man i need to 
make a living, i'm not looking to complicate my business. 

i have no intentions of hassling the guy. i called him today and offered the yard to him as its a 
vine crop farm and the farmer will want bees after I remove mine. 

my point is simply almost every bee related disease and pest since 1980 has come from 
movement of bees and hives. no other ag related industry in the nation allows this kind of 
uncontrolled movement.  geez even the movement of nursery trees and shrubs has much tighter 
oversight then this circus.

this is not rocket science.....we're talking common sense here. why should stationary beeks 
especially those who are self contained and produce their own queens and never need to buy bees 
be subject to this lunacy?  IMO the stationary beeks who run a sustainable operation should be 
protected cause the day may come where they ARE the FUTURE. 

why is the system setup for failure? its not my problem in the midwest if some guy planted too 
many almond trees. 

bees should come first! not a handful of people who move bees for a living. 

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