If CCD never resurfaces we could file this news story under "who cares" .......

IMO they might be wasting a bunch of time trying to figure out something that will never happen 
again. Its still the wild west yet in US beeland so anything could happen and how would we trace a 
problem back when there is no oversight, no records just a free for all. If the poop hits the 
whirling blade we can have everyone fill out an index card with some information and call it data. 

I mean last winter no one apperently turned the truck around worried about their bees getting 
CCD. If the Big One hits someday, the semi's will be merrily rolling along on the way to the pot o' 
gold in CA almonds anyhow and then merrily heading back in every direction to insure a complete 
dissemination of the new Problem in a few weeks tme. If anything the system  we have in place is 

The number of upper midwest citations for blue shop rags was notable this year especially in 
NoDak. Should be a news release coming soon implicating some very visible migratory beeks. 

In the meanwhile many unsustainable practices continue and we await the next migratory 
honeybee crisis. This time the media is ready to report every piece of misinformation and deflect 
the attention away from the real issues. 

Here in the Heartland I am hearing most beeks say their bees look great this fall, better then last 
year.  What a strange season we had this year weather wise up here, we had a record warm June 
followed by a serious drought in July and then record monsoon rains in Aug-Oct (20-35 inches). 
The alfalfa is still growing up here since we have not had a killing frost yet and its almost 

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