On Sun, 30 Sep 2007 19:04:51 -0400, James Fischer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Jim its always a pleasure to get the depth of info from your posts. 

>So, when you gonna send some bees in to Beltsville
>for a Nosema test?

i'll admit i skipped the test, i had a fair amount of nosema symptoms this spring (staining in and 
outside the hives and dink cluster remaining) . that plus other regional reports of other beeks 
finding nosema from testing caused me to fork over the relatively high cost to treat all of my 
colonies this year. in fact today we are out today feeding with fumagilin. 

also today Doug McRory sent out some nosema survey results which show both variations of 
nosema in Ontario fairly prevelant. 


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