What I meant to ask is whether we would have, prior to the arrival of SHBs 
in the US, recognized and considered SHBs enough of a problem to think to 
exclude them.  In other words, if something is a very minor or non-issue 
in another country (IAPV in Australia, as another *hypothetical* example), 
are we going to even think or try to protect ourselves from such things?  
Are the costs of unknown, unanticipated problems factored into the cost-
benefit analysis of importing bees from other parts of the world, or would 
that be considered unfair protectionism?  In order to be "fair," must we 
turn a blind eye to the unknown risks we take by importing bees from other 
parts of the world?  If so -- and I fear it's the case -- I think that's 
just really stupid.

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