Mike wrote:
>Is this paper supposed to be a conclusive statement?
No, it wasn't.
However, the way in which it was released lent itself to being 
misrepresented by the press, and many beekeepers (I'm hearing the chatter 
starting already among beeks who have heard about it, but haven't read it).

I spoke for some time today with lead author, Dr. Cox-Foster, and plied her 
with questions.  You are absolutely right, this paper raises more questions 
than it answers.  The complexity of the bee/multiple virus/double 
nosema/mite/nutrition/immune response interactions is staggering!  There's a 
ton of research yet to be done, data to be confirmed, and contrary data to 
be reconciled.  I applaud the herculean efforts of those many researchers 
who are putting in long hours on minimal budgets!

Randy Oliver 

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