I know this probably is too broad a question and am sorry this list
is not the appropriate place to address it.  But here it goes...  I am
looking for discussion lists I may address specific questions about
details of composers' lives and works.  The closes to what I have in
mind is the discussion lists on the stupendous Bach site.  But in most
other cases (eg the Handel lists I have browsed and visited) are geared
towards scholars, where too much is presupposed for someone like me.

After this sort of tiresome intro, the question I have mind now and
which has prompted this query is, why Mozart may have written concerti
for 2 and 3 pianos.  Isn't it unusual in terms of 18th century practice?
Moreover he seems to have composed his 2 such concerti fairly early in
his career, in fact right after he had started composing piano concerti.


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