well mom and baby are home now. I must say i've been very frustrated on this case as 
well as mom is very quick to stick a bottle of formula in his mouth when he gets to 
crying. It's made me constantly question her dedication. I got to the point the other night 
where as a friend I had to tell her I would offer no more help unless she requested it as 
we'd gone over what needed to be done to protect her milk supply and she just wasn't 
doing it.

fast forward to a phone call with her today.

she says the baby is breastfeeding for up to 20 minutes without falling asleep and she 
was able to pump 1.5 ounces on each breast - which is impressive to me considering her 
circumstances. She is still using the hospital faucet nipples (you've seen those, before 
right? the ones that drip like a faucet!) and I guess she's given up on the syringe. I asked 
about finger feeding and the materials necessary to do it at the hospital and was told that 
they don't do that. (even though the hospital LC's website claims she does everything 
(cup, spoon, finger). I couldn't even get a syringe from that place. I did bring her a 
second nature bottle, which is the only one that I've found that actually doesn't leak and 
the baby must work to get the liquid out - but she was still using the leaky faucet ones 
when i saw her yesterday. 

baby was down to 7 lbs 8 oz from 8 lbs 1 oz. Mom states she's not sure if she'll take him 
for his 3-5 day checkup or not. It's really out of my hands as I've helped as much as I 
could (took care of her children all week, etc.) I now need to focus on my own family as 
my little ones have missed their mommy and the baby has missed his breasts and is tired 
of bottles of mommy milk.


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