Mike writes:
Commercial people don't have time to raise their own queens
and have found queen sources whose queens fit their
honey/pollination needs?

If I equate this with man planted crops, with much plant
hybridization and thus for oldtime LC bees FWIW, which then
makes for quickie nucs splitting and queening, along with
artificial feed, and treatments for movement from
pollenation job to pollenation job continuously, with no
localization of the bees to anyone given area, I can see
where industry has gotten into deep problems should a
roadblock appear, for where do you really put the bees that
match anything in a natural environment, for they can never
be self-sustaining born this way!

So getting back then, to thoughts prior, if factory farming
and factory queens are for artificialized hybrid crops by
man's doing and not Nature, then why isn't real queen
breeding taught to sideliners and hobbyists so they know
the difference and can make a choice as to what they do, or
is it? Then they can by choice either buy the artificial
breed factory farmed queens, or get with other beekeepers
doing breeding to fit localized areas/regions and
native/natural plants in their given areas. Why isn't this
distinction talked about more for needs??? or is it?

Anyone really know?

Could this be part of today's problem with our honeybees?

Dee A. Lusby

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