A response -- great 
> I'm curious as hell.  Please keep me up to date!  The ant observation is 
> stunning. 
>--would really like to find the pathogen. 
WHO CARES (what the pathogen is) 
We need a treatment 
Well, it helps to know what you are fighting 
Have we cured the common cold or flu? 
Will we ever? 
Most pandemics come in waves, the reason unknown 
It's usually more effective attacking the vector 
>A virus triggered by stress would certainly be a reasonable hypothesis. 
The implication is the virus was already there 
This is probably NOT correct 
The infection is STILL spreading 
Anti virals are very expensive 
So the answer is boring old medicatian trials 
ie find something (several somethings) that 
X really dislikes, but likely does not kill it (X) 
Requires more than one yard infected, and several 
dozen substances to test, and confirmation 
by repeat test 
This is boring, grotty work, suitable for undergrads 
Noone wants to do grunt work anymore! 
And noone is paying me for my pierceing intelligence 
I'm the last guy on the line, only 3 hrs from the 
northern limit (for bees)(Sudbury?) 
Since Ontario is coming up with compensation I 
may kill a hive or two testing (dubious) medications 
(And I can't hardly spell) 

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