Thanks, Rachel, for the post about the ILCA Draft Scope of Practice, written 
by the Task Force of which you are a member.  ILCA urges *public* comments 
(go to the Discussion Board at thru July 23 2007.  That means 
all Lactnetters who are *not* ILCA members can still offer their comments to 
ILCA about the Draft Scope of Practice, and I sincerely hope they do.

I'm a nit-picker, too, and would like to offer alternative wording to one 
portion of your post:  IBLCE issues a certification, not a license.

The National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA) is the accreditation 
arm of the National Organization for Comptency Assurance.  It is a big 
honking deal for a certification exam to pass muster with the NCCA.  The 
IBLCE did it on their first pass in 1988 (almost unheard of), and
their "rights" to give the IBCLC certification exam must be renewed by NCCA 
every five years.  When NCCA "blesses" an examination process, it is 
permitting the testing authority to award a certification at the end.

Thus, IBCLCs are "certificants."  But they do not hold a license.

(To learn more about the extraordinarily rigid certification process, take a 
glance at 
  It will make you rather proud of yourself that you have earned the 
I-B-C-L-C credential.)

Liz Brooks, JD, IBCLC (ILCA Secy 2005-08)
Wyndmoor, PA, USA



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