Call for submissions: September, 2007, African Archaeology Diaspora 
Newsletter --
The African Diaspora Archaeology Network and Newsletter works to provide a 
focal point for archaeological and historical studies of African 
diasporas, with news, current research, information and links to other web 
resources related to the archaeology and history of descendants of African 
peoples. Through this engagement with African diasporas, the ADAN seeks to 
connect an intellectual community that considers the historical processes 
of racialization, gender, power, and culture operating within and upon 
African descendant communities.
Please contact me if you have essays, articles, analysis papers, book 
reviews, project reports, announcements, or news updates that you'd like 
to contribute to the African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter, available at:
This Newsletter is published quarterly, in March, June, September, and 
December. Our readership has increased to over 4,000 per Newsletter issue. 
John McCarthy is coordinating book reviews to be written for the 
Newsletter, and he has received review copies of a number of books from 
presses that he can supply to individuals who agree to write a review of 
such recent publications. If you, or someone you know, would be interested 
in book review assignments for the ADAN, please drop John a note, at 
[log in to unmask] A reviewer receives a free copy of the book.
Many thanks!
Christopher C. Fennell
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
109 Davenport Hall, MC-148, 607 S. Mathews Ave.
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801
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phone: (217) 244-7309