Laboring in the Vineyard

After moving almost 18 months ago and cramming my CDs on shelves --
two rows deep for lack of space --in no particular order simply to get
them out of their boxes, I have finally started alphabetizing by composer.
Today's four hours of labor have gotten me from John Adams through to
J.S. Bach as well as son, CPE.  I can see that there will be weeks of
work here, but it's a relief to have made a start. I see Barber, Bax,
Beethoven, Berg, Berio, Brahms, Busoni and Buxtehude (as well as their
other 'B' neighbors) looming on the horizon.

One of the benefits of this is finding things I'd forgotten about. 
Right now I'm listening to Bill Malloch's delightful orchestration
of Art of Fugue, conducted by Lukas Foss.  He throws bits of Beethoven,
Mendelssohn and others in the mix.  (Purists beware!) I'd forgotten I
had it.

And ...
In my mind's ear I've continued hearing that marvelous Variation 25
from the other night's terrific local performance of the Goldbergs by a
pianist I'd never heard of before, one Leopoldo Erice.  That variation
is truly one of the most amazing things Bach composed, and of course
that's saying something!

Scott Morrison

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