I thought I saw some pictures of tubes 2-3' long containing bees that 
had been imported into the US from Australia for pollination.

Bob also wrote some time ago about the attempts to open up the 
southern US borders to beekeepers from Mexico.  Mexican beekeepers 
would gladly come into the US to pollinate.

If we continue importing more and more of everything here in the US, 
it will eventually catch up to us leaving a bad aftertaste.

The fact that so few Americans are concerned about the huge trade and 
federal deficits and personal debts in the US is bewildering to me.  
It's like the parents and grandparents of today don't give a darn 
about the mountain of debt they saddling their children and 
grandchildren with. 

At least you can't afford much of a deficit if you are making a 
living from beekeeping...


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