I am a little confused. I am a student with BSC center for lactation education. I am almost 
done with my studies. I also have a 9 week nursing baby boy. When I took him in for his 2 
month well baby the doc (resident) explained to me that he had to take a liquid multi-
vitimin. I challenged her and she went on to explain that EBF babies have to take these 
vitimins because they may not be getting enough through breast milk...and added, that 
formula babies get all these things through formula. I told her that if I were a first time bf 
mom that her comment about not getting needed vitimins in breastmilk just might be the 
thing to make me choose to stop breast feeding. She noted vitimins A, E, the B's etc. that 
were not enough in breastmilk. I challenged her again. She would not bend. I did not intend 
to pick up or give these vitimins to my baby. However, while picking up med's for another 
of my children the pharmacy went ahead and filled these vitimins. Come to find out that on 
the top of the box these things are made and distributed by infimil! I was shocked!Another 
formula ploy to get me to stop breastfeeding and on top of that market their brand of 
formula at the same time.  I tried to research it a little and was not succesfull in finding 
much information on the marketing of these things to doc's. NOne of my other EBF babies 
had to take vitimins. THis smells fishy to me...any insights from anyone! 

*sorry for any misspelling. I am writting this one handed while breastfeeding my 14 lb 
vitimin deficiant 9 week old son.!*


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