Dear Wise Ones,

I've been working with a primip mom of a 7 week old and have her permission 
to post. She has been sore since birth. Infant was born by C/D for breech. 
The baby has a bubble palate and mom has works to get a gaping wide latch.  
Today I worked to obtain a deeper and more asymmetrical latch and mom noted 
a slight improvement, nothing remarkable. Her nipples are erect, pliable, 
normal size and shape and breasts are WNL as well.

Baby diagnosed with reflux , currently treated with Prilosec after Zantac 
was found ineffective. On inspection mother's nipples are red and inflamed 
not shiny, but with some blistering at times and some white spot on 
occasion. Mom has been treated for a over a month for yeast. Baby has never 
had any visible symptoms, just "gas". She denies a history of yeast 
infections, and neither her or the baby has been on antibiotics.

She has been on a full course of nipple ointment  minus clotrimazole, then 
treated with a clotrimazole gel preparation offered by her midwife, and then 
took a full course of diflucan over a 14 day period. Her nipples are no 
better and has been totally unresponsive to treatment to date. Mom's gut 
tells her this is not yeast. OB was going to consider gentian violet but 
moms nipple are so raw, that I hesitate, because I'm also not sure it is 
yeast at all.

Mom gives a hx of sensitive skin, with outbreaks of dermatitis. She noted 
some on her arms after the birth of this baby, but no real issues at this 
time and she is fair skinned with freckles,  She also admits to having 
blanching of her hands in cold weather, but has never sought medical 
treatment for this.
For the next 2-3 days she is going to take a break from all creams and 
lotions and is considering a dermatology consult. I have her trying maalox 
on her nipples in case the baby's acid reflux has caused a caustic skin 
reaction ( I really am grasping at straws!)

What do you think the next step should be. Her OB wants me to "fix her" and 
we are all a bit perplexed.  Gentian violet, nifedipine?

She notes a raw, burning sensation after nursing and a cut glass feeling 
with latching. To my knowledge she has not done much pumping, only feeding 
at the breast.

Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

LuAnn Smith
York, PA

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