>>yes, i know that there is a "movement" of sorts that 
doesn't believe that aids is caused by the hiv virus

Did I say HIV does not cause AIDS?  Although quite a few 
epidemiologists say it, I did not say HIV does not cause AIDS.  I 
don't know if it does or does not.  I do know AIDS victims typically 
die of secondary diseases resulting from seriously weakened immune 
systems.  There are many factors in weakened immune systems (just 
read the AZT insert - AZT side effects mimic the symptoms of AIDS).

I did say the standard AIDS test often results in misdiagnosis.  On 
the other hand, the grave predictions from the 1980's that AIDS would 
become an epidemic in the general society have not materialized.  And 
I am not convinced that people have become more faithful or celibate 
because you'd see a significant dent in STDs. 

AIDS being unrelated to bees and CCD, my original comment had to do 
with improper comparison of CCD with AIDS.  Similarly to AIDS, some 
of the dire predictions in the media about CCD are unfounded AT THIS 
TIME.  Something is causing some colonies to lose its workforce. As 
far as I can tell, it will be some time before we know some concrete 
facts from the CCD team.  My point is that we should not jump to 
premature conclusions and just wait for the facts.


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