>>Increasing the volume of the broodnest won't increase that rate. I 
would expect the bees to reform their broodnest to its original size, 
once the brood nearer the outsides hatches.

It is true that the queen will only lay eggs within the perimeter 
laid out by the bees.  This perimeter is obviously limited by how 
much brood space the bees can cover.  During the spring expansion the 
queen will venture out of this virtual brood space and lay eggs but 
the bees will eat those eggs if they can't maintain the 
temp/humidity/feeding in that area. 

I've moved frames with sealed brood to the outside and added a couple 
of frames with empty comb to the middle.  (Sealed brood generates a 
lot of heat.)  The empty comb is now in the 'perimeter' and the bees 
will not eat the eggs the queen lays in the empty comb.  The brood 
area and the expansion rate both increase. 

Predrag has provided links in the past where the same technique has 
been used to encourage the bees to draw out more brood nest 
foundation faster.  If I recall, there was statistical info there, 

This technique is more of an art than a science in one way.  The 
nights can be cold during the spring expansion and one does not want 
to expand the brood nest to the point where brood will be chilled.  I 
don't attempt checkerboarding until the night time temps are 
consistently above 40F.  I keep the screened bottom sealed and the 
entrance reduced.  When night time temps are still all, I will only 
add 1 or 2 empty frames to the middle area of the brood nest per deep 
and always in proporation to the colony strength.


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