I'd be interested to know too how CCD would express itself in wintered over northern hives. 

Is anyone anywhere claiming the bees vacated once temps moved into the 40F to -20F range for 
"winter" ? or upon the first warm spring weather? 

I wonder if Jerry B has any info from his survey and contacts.

Unless I hear a credible report otherwise I find these winter CCD claims baseless as it adds an 
additional dimension to the CCD symptom list. 

Like a death wish to leave the hive in very cold weather?  I doubt it, seems like a me too story. Its 
not consistent with the list of CCD symptoms. 

There are dozens of possible reasons for winter losses. I know because I have them too in MN and 
this past winter was a bit higher for me then other seasons. Such is beekeeping and the weather. 
All my deadouts have dead bees in them, to less experienced beekeepers on this list that is classic 
winter kill not CCD where the hive would be basically MT with few if any live bees. 

Jerry B,  can you please verify what I am saying and comment? we seem to be getting some 
northern post winter CCD reports like this thread that don't fit the pattern. I think it would be 
helpful to some list readers to clear this up. 

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