Kevin Sutton wrote:

>Well, apparently some awkward wording on my part led some to believe
>that I was a Nazi sympathizer.  I said that the music reminded me of a
>bygone era, one where art and beauty was of more importance than they
>are now.  I can see where a literal interpretation of what I said (and
>from one who was seeking to be offended) could lead one to think that
>that I was nostalgic for Nazism.

The carpers were digging for dirt.  Your review has nothing to do
with the Nazis, unless you know that Pftizner (unlike Strauss) was an
enthusiastic Nazi and such a rabid admirer of Hitler that he managed to
creep the Fuehrer out.  Didn't think it was possible.

There are always people about who get their place in the sun by tearing
others down.  They get tiresome quickly.  I'm surprised you felt you
needed to defend yourself beyond a "don't be idiotic" reply.

Steve Schwartz

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