Roger Hecht wrote:

>Alas, I agree, as well.  In my earlier post, I was just saying I've
>had some occasional success in getting restaurants to turn down music.
>I'm big and mean looking.  Maybe that explains something.

The most extreme situation I've ever encountered was in the
restaurant of a Holiday Inn in Charleston at breakfast time.  The
radio was blasting away at a hundred decibel level or more.  EVERYONE
was unhappy and complaints went around the room.  The response to these
was that nothing could be done until the manager arrived!

In another venue, again at breakfast, loud march music played.  My
companion, who had been a waitress, told me that that was intended
to move people out so they could seat new customers.  It was about two
decades before I gave them a second chance.  Guess what?  At 7:30 p.m.
the staff began to vacuum the floor.

Jim Tobin

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