'The joy of being a camera and swooping over Sydney Harbour
   Bridge to glimpse one of the world's most exciting opera houses
   and then to hover like a hawk above it and gaze enraptured at
   those soaring sails. Inside it was said the pit could not
   accommodate the grandest of operas; for the subtleties of
   Sullivan's orchestra, however, there is room enough, as for the
   gales of laughter in the house inspired by Gilbert's enchanting
   mockery of Victorian England and incomprehensible Japan.
   Christopher Renshaw as director has let his imagination run riot,
   and Australian singers and players can be relied on for the
   broadest humour that yet keeps a mostly wary eye for decorum.'

   - Robert Anderson, reviewing the Opus Arte / Opera Australia DVD
   of 'The Mikado' in today's Music & Vision, illustrated with
   screenshots and video extracts.

Keith Bramich
Music & Vision
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