On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 17:02:17 -0700, John Edwards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I've got to side with Peter on this one - Having had contact with the
>bee industry (mostly from the outside) for a looong time, I usually
>found that beekeepers, both alone and in groups, were all too eager to
>get and try new ideas, including whatever chemical they thought or heard
>could help their colonies.

so OA is to quote you "whatever chemical they thought or heard
could help their colonies"

i guess all of those research papers, the EU and Canada experiences are all worthless? Do you 
realize the paper and historic trail that exist?  This is not some basement chemist idea...my  

>The general opinion where I used to work was "If anybody ever runs
>systematic analyses of honey (USA or worldwide), the beekeepers are in
>big trouble"

so what exactly would you expect to find in the honey from a super from a hive that was treated 
with OA sugar syrup ? 

Peter's statement

"I am not against treatments, just unapproved ones. Will
you tell the customer you used an unapproved chemical to produce your

Sure why not...better then saying I used Checkmite (which is EPA blessed). 

So OA somehow becomes a good idea and safe too the day Uncle Sam say its ok?  Please..... 

Our government has shown a frequent disregard for animal and human health. Look into the 
poultry, pork, and dairy feedlot industry and tell me we should beleive the USDA will protect us. If 
you want to eat a Tyson chicken god bless you, you faithful American!

heres just one example of many, of the wisdom of the USDA and the influence of agribusiness and 
the RX industry that I am refering to:


as others have said before me its possible we will not see OA approved as its shelf life in solution 
is short and there is little if any way for a large corporation to make a dime on this proven 
treatment.  I guess we'll see who the EPA is working for when its all said and done won't we?

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