Newspaper Profiles Canadian Apitherapist 

A Beehive of Activity
By Katrina Simmons, The Hamilton Spectator (Canada), 3/8/2007

Honey has been around since the beginning of time. The pharoahs of Egypt
were buried with honey, says beekeeper and apitherapist Annie vanAlten
of Dutchman's Gold honey and maple products, and this powerhouse of
nutrition is even mentioned numerous times in the Bible…

In recent years, vanAlten has turned her attention to the health
benefits of other products of the hive, and added Annie's Apitherapy to
the Dutchman's Gold label. She started attending international workshops
and congresses to learn and lecture about the therapeutic use of bee
products (apitherapy).

"Royal jelly is B-complex and a pick-me-upper," she instructs. "Propolis
is a natural antibiotic, and bee pollen boosts the immune system, is an
energy booster and a multivitamin." Even honey itself is an
anti-bacterial, she says, that can be used as a wound dressing...

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