I would note that these are just the same beekeepers in the news for the last 3-4 months. I have 
seen little new losses reported in any of these stories. Mr. Sundberg has been the topic of several 
news articles now. 

It would be hard to tell as a casual reader you would think wow this thing is huge and everywhere. 

Here's our local article contributing to the noise on CDD. 


that really says absolutely nothing new. I expect more hyperbole in the coming months and years. 

Read the link I posted to see how the mysterious and the scary have taken over the reality that 
many beekeepers don't know what they are doing with mite treatments yet after more then a 
decade. But that would not make for the most interesting news story would it? 

Like the headlines could be "Beekeepers in Disorder on how to Care for Bees (after EPA approved 
strips that contaminate comb stop working)" or maybe  "Bees Dying by the Hundreds as some 
Beekeepers stand by Clueless" (even with a copy of Randy Olivers latest mite article(s) in their back 

or my favorite: 

"Beekeepers move 60% of all Colonies In the USA into one Concentrated Area to Ensure Quick 
Disemenation of the New and Deadly Colony Collapse Disorder" 

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