Irwin Hamilton Wrote:
> Hearing reports of honey being sold for .65/lb  FROM WESTERN CANADA 
But no mention of which currency.

Ian Steppler expressed confusion of the currency:
> Wow!  I doubt that!  Especially if your talking Canadian.
> Even if your quoting US dollars, that about 75cents/lbs,

and then Irwin continued with, 
> Well here in CANADA we don't sell it, we  give it away. Have just
> received a  report of honey moving at .65 cents per lb. 
But again forgot to mention a currency.

Murray McGregor with a very informative response wrote:
> 65c US...........that would be............USD 1430/tonne.....ex works.
So Murray thinks it's US$

Dave Tharle reports:
> A pile of honey left beekeepers warehouses over the last 6
> weeks at $.75 Can (including a good chunk out of MB),
So it's looking like the original .65/lb quote is actually US$ given 
Ian Steppler's calculations.

But Ian then states:
> Anyone selling at 65cents Canadian is foolish, and
> stupid if they passed over 95cents to take 65cents now. Doesnt it seem a
> little funny to you?  Why we allow the packers walk over us every year,

Looks to me like the rumour .65/lb has become Candian $ and in turn 
has become "fact". 

Beekeepers don't need packers to walk over them, they do it 
themselves by not representing the facts clearly.

Peter Bray 
Airborne Honey Ltd., Pennington St, PO Box 28, Leeston, 
New Zealand Fax 64-3-324-3236,  Phone 64-3-324-3569  [log in to unmask]

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