Mitch Friedfeld:

>I have to admit I am not "getting" the Grosse Fuge.  How do you say
>"unlistenable" in German?

Sometimes it helps to watch the score.  Even if you don't know how
to read music, you can follow the rhythms and see the direction of the
notes.  In fact, I'd recommend that for all of the Beethoven quartets
if a live performance isn't available.  Watching the themes (or rhythmic
motives) hop from line to line, combine, separate, jump around, will
help to organize the music for you, especially in the Grosse Fugue.
Dover scores are wonderful for this exercise.

If there are those who don't know how to read rhythmic notation but
wish they could, Google is a friend in need.  Try this place, for

Mimi Ezust

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