Iskender Savasir writes:

>Is it true that Menotti passed away 2 days ago?


>Would this be a good time to start a thread on him?  Which of his works
>are a good introduction to his work?  I know of only The Consul and The
>Medium, both of which work very well I think on the stage.

In addition to the operas mentioned above, I've enjoyed the following:
Amelia al ballo, The Old Maid and the Thief, The Telephone, The Saint
of Bleeker Street (to me, his best opera), the madrigal-ballet The
Unicorn, the Gorgon, and the Manticore, The Death of the Bishop of
Brindisi, Amahl and the Night Visitors, Labyrinth, Missa O Pulchritudo,
the piano concerto, violin concerto, Triplo Concerto a tre, Apocalypse,
and Sebastian.  I feel his viable work ended with the Missa.  I don't
care for the later operas, La Loca and Goya, at all.  I think he just
got tired.

>What were the latest works he completed?

I know of nothing after The Singing Child (1993), although I'm fairly
certain he must have stuff later than that.

Steve Schwartz