Janos Gereben wrote:

>Joseph (Bassanio, Luther, Shakespeare [in Love]) Fiennes will be the man
>himself in Hand Picked Films' Vivaldi "biopic," to be shot in Venice and
>Vienna beginning next month. ...
>And then, there is this cryptic bit of information: "Another Vivaldi
>project is in development at Imagine Entertainment and Columbia." ...

We've just witnessed the colossal failure of "Copying Beethoven" in
terms of box-office acceptance and the film industry is contemplating
TWO bio-pics of Vivaldi?  This just confirms the impression that
entertainment executives must not be ranked among the most savvy business
men and women on the face of the Earth today!  But in a way, you can't
blame them for tossing anything against the wall to see what will stick.
A short time ago, Eddie Murphy appeared in a bomb called "Pluto Nash".
It was excoriated by critics and opened and closed in short order.  Right
now, an equally-excoriated film, "Norbit" also starring Eddie Murphy
just opened and was the previous weekend's number one box office hit.
Who knows...a future Beethoven bio-pic could be made and become very

Laurence Glavin
Methuen, MA