Thank you Jennifer, for your response also. I have passed on everyone's recommendations to this Mum and I strongly feel that things will get better for them. 
again, thank you to all who responded!
Much warmth, 
Andrea Syms-Brown.IBCLC,RLC,CIMI 
Baby in the Family LLC 
590 Vanderbilt Avenue, 
Brooklyn, NY 11238. 

-------------- Original message from "Jennifer Stevens, RN" <[log in to unmask]>: -------------- 

> These are my thoughts from my experience as a mom of a child with a history 
> of this problem. First I would recommend mom and baby both start on a good 
> quality probiotic. Infants with this problems have been found to be lacking in 
> certain beneficial flora, see this link 
> I like Klaire 
> Labs hypoallergenic line for 
> probiotics, though they can be a pain to purchase from as they want to have the 
> health 
> care provider set up an account rather than sell directly. Others may have 
> brands they like, chime in. 
> Second, improve maternal nutrition. A good quality multivitamin with super 
> green foods, I use NOW Special Two Multiple Vitamin with Green Superfoods, but 
> I'm sure there are other good ones out there. Eating more vegetables and 
> fruits is also a great idea, I'm not so fabulous about doing this myself, but 
> I'm 
> trying. 
> I would encourage the mother to eliminate as much refined food as possible 
> and add in quality dietary fats. For a list of healthy vs unhealthy fats and 
> links for more information about fats see 
> Cod liver oil of top 
> quality is a must. For info on choosing a 
> good brand see 
> I believe 
> this helps to improve the fatty acid profile of the 
> breastmilk, which will be helpful to the baby. I have heard that vitamin E 
> should be 
> taken with cod liver oil and I have added this just recently. 
> If mom's diet is high in sugar or refined carbohydrates and low in fat, this 
> can aggravate the situation by reducing fat levels in the breastmilk. This 
> contributes to lactose overload in the baby. See the following article, 
> especially the chart on page 11: 
> Digestive enzymes have helped many mothers produce breastmilk with less 
> intact food proteins. The enzymes, precription or specialized ones from a 
> healthfood store or mail ordered, have helped many babies make a dramatic 
> improvement 
> almost immediately. Contact me for more information. 
> My latest research is about how adrenal exhaustion in the mother and baby can 
> also contribute to this allergy problem. B vitamins in the right 
> proportions, and especially pantothenic acid can help strengthen the adrenals. 
> Vitamin C 
> decreases the body's need for the B vitamins, so this may also be helpful. 
> Probiotics may also help, as the beneficial flora produce B vitamins in the 
> intestines. I'm still reading up on the subject of adrenal exhaustion. 
> This is just what I have found to be helpful as a mother of a child with this 
> problem. I feel that improving both the mother and the baby's health is 
> vital and nutrition is key. My allergic child is now 28 months, still nursing 
> before nap and bedtime, and eating a variety of foods. His symptoms have 
> resolved, he is gaining and growing and making rapid developmental progress. We 
> are 
> restricting nuts and bananas from his diet, those foods with known reactions 
> to ingestion. We suspect corn also, but haven't confirmed. 
> Jennifer Stevens, RN 
> In a message dated 1/22/2007 10:24:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> [log in to unmask] writes: 
> Hello wise ones, 
> I have permission to post. 
> Today I saw a Mum, at my breastfeeding support group whose baby is 12 weeks 
> old. After seeing her 2 times prior (in group) and assisting to get control 
> of an oversupply issue, baby has started having "small streaks of blood in the 
> bowel movements." 
> I have not seen it personally, but Mum is frantic. 
> Ped says, formula, or eliminate diary. Mum is very anti-formula,so has 
> eliminated all dairy and on my recommendation, all cow's protein altogether. 
> Can anyone recommend any further action that may be taken at this point? 
> Also, on the average, how long will it take for all this to "work". 
> Thank you in advance for your responses. 
> Much warmth, 
> Andrea Syms-Brown. 
> Freezin' my back side off in NYC. bbbrrrr. 
> *********************************************** 
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